Puss In Boots Auditions

CDDG would love to welcome you all to come along to the auditions for our 2025 pantomime, Puss In Boots.

This will be our own version of the traditional story: three brothers, Petrock, Patsy and Piran Trelawney, inherit the mill in Perranwell from their father, but the elder brothers won’t share with Piran, who is forced to seek his fortune in the great city of Truro, with only his cat and an old pair of boots. However, when the cat puts the boots on – she can talk! Puss plans for Piran to pretend to be the Marquess of Glasney, so that he can marry the beautiful Princess Gwinevere, but Petrock does his best to stop that and the King and Queen are more concerned about battling the wicked Ogre of Penelewey and his evil henchwomen. True love is under threat, Warfare is pending, but all ends happily, once Lawyer Roscarrick has found his proper glasses…

Auditions are to be held at The Perranwell Centre, Sunday 15th September from 10am to 1pm. The first full rehearsal will be on Sunday 13th October, 2 to 5pm. Company rehearsals will be on Sunday afternoons and principal rehearsals on Friday evenings. The production dates are Thursday 30th January to Sunday 2nd February 2025.

List of Parts:
There are plenty of parts of all sizes, suitable for people of all ages. Roughly in order of number of lines. Indications of age and gender are only for guidance – anyone is free to audition for any part.

Piran Trelawny, our lovable hero, teen male, must sing
Puss in Boots, clever and bossy, teen female
The Ogre, wicked and imposing, adult male, must sing
King Pydar of Cornwall, always speaks in rhyme, adult male
Queen Lamorna, capable and intelligent, adult female
Princess Guinevere, beautiful but feisty, teen female, must sing
Petrock Trelawny, Piran’s greedy brother, adult/teen male
Patsy Trelawny, his gullible brother, teen m/f
Mrs Polparret, Cornish villagewoman, could be played as a dame role, adult m/f
Lawyer Roscarrick, elderly and shortsighted, adult male
Freda, Ogre’s First Henchwoman (all the henchwomen are supposedly evil but really more concerned about their salaries and pension plans), adult female
Demelza, a lady in waiting, friend to Princess, teen female
Veryan Tregurra, Truro girl, teen/child female
Camilla, Prunella and Lucinda, henchwomen (see Freda), adult female
Herald, teen/child m/f, needs loud clear voice (well, everyone needs a loud clear voice, but Herald especially)
Cuby, King’s page, child m/f
Igor, Ogre’s sinister servant, child m/f
Roberta, Rowena and Rosie, three rabbits, child m/f, must sing
Boy Blue, a trumpeter, child m/f
Bo Peep, a shepherdess, child f
Suitor Lancelot, child m
Suitor Ruan, child m
First and Second Guards, any age m/f
First and Second Villagers, any age m/f
Cat, must move well, miaows, child f

Chorus of Villagers, Courtiers, Ruffians and Ghouls – a lot of the characters above can be in chorus also, and many of the musical numbers are for full company, so everyone needs to sing, even if they think they can’t.

You can see that we need a good-sized company for this, so do come to the auditions and encourage your friends to come along too.